
Thank you to everyone that visits this page. I am going to try to update this blog as frequent as possible. The purpose of this site is to function as a tool to archive and resurrect moments within my golden era of hip-hop. Please feel free to comment on any post or email me with any questions.

Thanks, Aaron

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Please Pass The Mic

Very Very dope tape from 1992.This tape to me is the "unofficial" goodlife compilation, the only thing missing is fellowship and c.v.e. appearances. Other than that it has alot of great artists from the early years of the goodlife! Artists like Funky Trend, Ded to the World,Big Al, and Unity Committee all are outstanding, due to the difficulty of finding and material at all from them. If you ever cross paths with this heavyweight of a tape you certainly won't be disappointed!
09-superb sk & unity committee-the fish taste superb by stones